Chronic prostatitis is an inflammatory disease of the prostate. According to the severity, the functional changes of the glands are divided into three stages: initial, moderate, and severe.
The initial stage of prostatitis is characterized by primary changes in the prostate. In the context of the development of the inflammatory process, tissue regeneration continues at this stage. The changes in the pipeline are not very obvious, which usually allows the patient to lead a fulfilling life. However, the development of the disease can lead to the formation of adhesions, impaired blood circulation and deterioration of overall health.
Depending on the source of inflammation, the initial cause of prostatitis may be:
- Infection (bacterial prostatitis): bacteria, streptococcus, chlamydia.
- Congestion and physiological structure of male pelvic organs (non-bacterial prostatitis).
According to the degree of injury, the length of the disease and the complexity of the treatment, prostatitis occurs
- Sharp.
- Chronic.
The related causes of prostate congestion are:
- Age-related changes (decreased testosterone levels, narrowed ducts, enlarged prostate).
- Sedentary lifestyle.
- Alcohol can cause swelling and narrowing of the catheter.
- Delayed chronic infectious diseases (tonsillitis, dental caries, bronchitis, urogenital infections).
- Irregular sex life.
- Perineal trauma, the impact of surgery on pelvic organs.
- Generally hypothermia.
- Intestinal disease (constipation).
- Weakened immune system associated with stress, inappropriate lifestyle, and smoking.
The initial stage of prostatitis is a signal for the beginning of the inflammatory process. Initial symptoms:
- Perineal pain, localized in the scrotum, rectum, radiating to the legs, abdomen, and lower back.
- Severe pain, burning when urinating.
- The feeling of incomplete bladder emptying. Frequent urination.
- Difficulty urinating.
- Sexual dysfunction: pain during intercourse, ejaculation; decreased libido, weakened erection.
- Excreted from the urethra.
- The consequences of the above symptoms are depression, sleep disturbances and a general decline in quality of life.
In some cases, the disease is asymptomatic: pain occurs periodically and the clinical symptoms are not clearly expressed. As a result, the disease progresses to the next stage, with more serious consequences.

Don't rely on self-relief symptoms, this disease will not "solve" on its own. Only a qualified urologist can make a diagnosis based on an in-depth examination.
Must pass:
- Routine urine analysis.
- Complete blood count.
- Bacteria urine culture.
- Prostate secretion analysis.
- Analyze urethral secretions.
- Computed tomography of pelvic organs.
- PCR (polymer chain reaction)-diagnosis.
In addition to routine analysis and research, if cancer is suspected, the doctor will prescribe other research projects:
- PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) blood test. An increase in the content of a specific protein indicates that prostate cancer may be present.
- TRUS (Transrectal Ultrasound) of the prostate is performed by inserting an electronic probe into the patient's rectum.
- Sperm diagram.
- Biopsy of prostate tissue (if cancer is suspected).
The doctor has established an accurate diagnosis based on memories and research data, and will prescribe a comprehensive treatment plan.
Processing method
The initial stage of prostatitis includes medication. The earlier treatment is started, the better the prognosis.
If it is a bacterial infection, it is mainly prescribed to use antibiotics, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory drugs, and alpha blockers for treatment.
- The types of antibiotics used to treat bacterial prostatitis include penicillin and cephalosporins. Antibiotic treatment should last for 5-7 days. Abrupt discontinuation of the drug may result in a decrease in the sensitivity of microorganisms to this antibiotic.
- Alpha blockerRelax bladder smooth muscle, normalize mucosal sensitivity and reduce the frequency of urging (tamsulosin hydrochloride, doxazosin). When using these drugs, side effects may occur: blurred vision and lower blood pressure.
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugsRelieve pain and swelling (diclofenac sodium, ibuprofen).
In addition to drugs, we recommend:
Non-traditional treatments for prostatitis include:
- Reflexology(acupuncture, acupuncture) allows you to influence biologically active points. As a result, blood circulation and metabolism are normalized, and the patient's overall condition is improved.
- Apitherapy(treated with bee venom and bee waste) stimulates the endocrine glands-adrenal glands, thyroid, gonads
- sham therapy(hydro ech therapy).
- Balneotherapy(bath in mineral springs) is an ordinary tonic that has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
Traditional treatment methods
In the initial stage of prostatitis, it is useful to combine the use of drugs with other treatments. Herbs include the use of water decoctions, tinctures, and microenemas. They are complementary treatments for chronic prostate disease. They are known to have the ability to maintain immunity, have antiseptic and sedative effects.
- GinsengEnhance immunity and reduce inflammation.
- St. John’s Worthas antispasmodic effects and can stimulate the production of male hormones.
- Pumpkin SeedsStimulate the production of zinc, which is an essential vitamin for strengthening the genitourinary system.
- Wormwoodis an effective antibacterial agent. It is used as a decoction, micro-foaming agent.
Prevention of prostatitis includes taking care of men’s health before the first symptoms of the disease appear.
- A healthy lifestyle.Have a good rest after get off work. Fresh air, smoking and quitting alcohol can enhance the body’s defenses and prevent infection.
- Physical activity. xExercise and active rest can help improve the blood circulation of pelvic organs and the circulation of prostate secretions. Exercises to eliminate congestion are very useful: squats, "scissors", abdominal exercises, walking.
- Proper nutrition.Eating foods rich in fiber, lean meat, and fish can help eliminate constipation, which is a risk factor for prostatitis.
- Regular sex life.The healthy function of the prostate is inseparable from the regularity of sexual activity. Frequent changes, disorders, and irregularities of sexual partners can lead to premature consumption of the nervous system, infection of the male genitourinary system and the resulting inflammation of the prostate.
The initial stage of prostatitis is a disease that should be taken seriously. Self-medication and later visits to the doctor can cause serious problems: happiness decreases, the initial form of growth no longer enters a moderate stage, and then becomes serious.
If conservative drug treatment can be abandoned at the initial stage, then the severity of the disease requires surgical intervention, and the prognosis is poor.
The important element of the male genital area is the prostate. Its function is to produce secretions (liquid) to ensure the fluidity of semen in the semen.
A narrow catheter can cause hyperemia in the prostate. The result of impaired blood flow is that the reproduction of microorganisms is an inflammatory disease-prostatitis.